St. George area 

Salt Lake Valley, Utah Valley & beyond

salt flat | great Salt lake locations

grantsville area

Tooele area

Stansbury | Erda area 

Below are some of my favorite locations that I've had the opportunity to utilize, starting with some local hot spots, then heading into Salt Lake area, and beyond.   I am also willing to try out new spots!  So if you have a spot you love or want to check out, let's go explore! 
Click on the links below to jump down to specific areas, or scroll through the page to gander through it all.

Location Guide


Local Studio Options

Bate's Canyon Road

rabbit lane

Benson Grist mill

mill pond | Willow tree

Stansbury lake

Stansbury | erda area

droubray road


Tooele area

Middle canyon

Settlement canyon

downtown tooele

Speirs farm

Tooele industrial depot

open fields


grantsville area

clark farm

willow neighborhood

south willow canyon


Salt Flat | great salt lake locations


black rock

bonneville salt flats

pink salt lake


salt lake valley, Utah Valley & beyond

salt lake capitol

memory grove

salt lake Parking Garage

the exchange place

salt lake county library

downtown salt lake city

international peace gardens

murray park

wheeler farm

tibble fork reservoir


Little Sahara Sand Dunes


Tunnel Springs Park

st. george area

kirkland farm

tonaquint nature center

red hill

snow canyon white rock


Local Studio options

My home studio

Salt studio

wild willow
